Every day we possess the opportunity to decide who we will become!

Hi, I’m Camille

Author, Speaker & Creator

Believer, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Encourager, Friend, Corporate Manager, Hairstylist, Business Owner. You name it, I have never been afraid to try it. This, however, can be good and bad, but I live with NO REGRETS!

Equipped to help women having lived a full life and overcoming many obstacles in various areas of life. In addition, possessing a BA in Psychology and a Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy. Always wanting to help women looking for resolutions to areas they may struggle in. We must be dream chasers and catchers. When I look back over my life, I want to be able to say I chased all my dreams, even the ones I may not succeed in. I have learned to fail forward because I would rather fail than to regret not ever trying.

I want every woman to discover they possess the ability to do the same, which is the driving force behind everything I do from books to workshops. These are extensions of myself which allow me to help other women confront past hurts that are holding them back from living in their fullest capacity.

I have chosen to live life own my own terms, well with God’s permission. Lol and you can too.

Follow Me as I Follow Christ!

Together We Grow!

Unapologetically me!